Detab Ecomat Automation AB has a responsibility towards the environment, customers, employees, owners and society. We shall reduce our impact on the environment to the extent that it is economically reasonable and technically possible. Working with sustainability for us at Detab means that we must integrate environmental, social and economic aspects in all parts of the business in order to create long-term value and try to minimize negative effects.
Detab Ecomat Automation AB has a responsibility towards the environment, customers, employees, owners and society. We shall reduce our impact on the environment to the extent that it is economically reasonable and technically possible. Working with sustainability for us at Detab means that we must integrate environmental, social and economic aspects in all parts of the business in order to create long-term value and try to minimize negative effects.
Sustainability for us
In practice, this means that we must make business decisions, strive for demanded quality and seek continuous improvements, as well as measure, follow up and communicate our development in a transparent and credible manner. We must have preventive work to minimize the risk of pollution and work in a way that is characterized by continuous environmental improvements. We must take into account the expectations our customers, employees, owners and the outside world have of us. We must continuously work to increase our environmental competence and encourage employees to increase environmental awareness. We must comply with applicable laws, regulations and instructions. Detab Ecomat Automation AB shall work for and be an attractive employer that offers development opportunities in a safe, healthy and equal workplace. By integrating sustainability into all aspects of our business, we strive to contribute to a more sustainable future for both people and the planet.